[Trlog] Using TR-Log with LoTW

Paul Kirley pkirley at neonramp.com
Thu Sep 25 18:03:46 EDT 2003

At 03:49 PM 9/25/03 -0400, you wrote:
>A good Cabrillo (or quasi-Cabrillo) file should have your call sign followed by 
>the complete sent exchange, then the received call sign followed by the 
>complete received exchange. For contests that it does not support, POST 
>produces a "Cabrillo" file that has your call sign, the received call sign, 
>your sent RST, and then the complete received exchange. The sent exchange, 
>except for the RST, is missing. This file does not conform to the basic 
>principles for Cabrillo files, and is not likely to be useful.

But yes, it IS useful for LoTW, which does not need the contest exchange data except for the call worked; after all, LoTW was designed at least partly with DXpeditions in mind.  If the "Cabrillo" file includes the call worked, and the call sign field number is properly specified as I indicated earlier, it should work for LoTW.

I think that we're both presuming that band, mode, frequency, time, date, etc. is available in the "Cabrillo" file.  If so, I remain convinced that the problem can be solved within TQSL.

73, Paul W8TM

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