[Trlog] Logging KH6 in the Sprint

George Fremin III geoiii at kkn.net
Sat Feb 7 23:41:16 EST 2004

On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 09:52:56AM -0600, Ignatenko, Dennis A wrote:
> I noticed during Sprint that TR was showing UT as a needed multiplier
> when I was sure I'd worked someone there.  
> I just looked through my log, and remembered it was the guy with the KH6
> call (at least that's where I logged him).  I ran TR RESCORE, and it was
> still showing the state "in white" and his exchange now only contained
> number and name - the state was blank.  I manually fixed it in EDIT, and
> when I restarted TR, it finally showed the state and the total score
> correctly. 
> After I created the Cabrillo file, I went to double-check in there, and
> sure enough -- his state was missing again. (but total claimed score was
> correct!)  So, I suggest others might want to double-check their
> cabrillos for this.
> I don't know enough about CTY.DAT, but is that the culprit and going to
> need another exception for KH6?

You need to log it as KH6AA/W7 or something to tell
TR what country he is really in.

In some contests this affects the points and it is all 
done by looking at the callsign.

George Fremin III - K5TR
geoiii at kkn.net

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