[Trlog] 6.79 mode detection

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Thu Jan 8 10:22:19 EST 2004

FWIW, it seems that pressing Alt-M won't cycle through
"DIGI" any longer.  I had to set the radio (an IC-765)
to RTTY to force TR into digital mode. I think this may
be different than previous versions. I have to be in the
RTTY mode to use true FSK keying on the radio, and the
filter selection is far superior to LSB mode as well.

-Kirk  K4RO

On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 02:56:23AM +0000, VR2BrettGraham wrote:
> Long ago, I gave up on radio control for RTTY with my MP as
> TR kept thinking CW was what I wanted when rig was in FSK mode
> - so maybe it's not just 6.79/K2/DIG-reverse.

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