[Trlog] Resyncing logs in a multi-multi setup

sm5ajv at chello.se sm5ajv at chello.se
Mon Jun 14 03:24:19 EDT 2004

Here are my experience in syncing logs, especially from
M/M and M/2 operations.

1. Set up each PC with its own ID letter. This is very 
   important! Otherwise it is very hard to tell which 
   computer logged what.

2. If something gets out of sync during the contest
   it is too time consuming to fix it. Most of the time
   it is better to live with it during the contest and 
   concentrate to make Q's instead of syncing the logs.

3. After the contest use Post to extract a log from
   each PC using its own id letter. Fix all typos etc on each
   seperate log. Merge all the extracted logs into one log
   using Post.

73 de Ingo SM5AJV / 8S5A / OJ0SM

> From: Jim Smith <jimsmith at shaw.ca>
> Date: 2004/06/13 Sun PM 10:53:56 CEST
> Till: "trlog at contesting.com" <trlog at contesting.com>
> Re: [Trlog] Resyncing logs in a multi-multi setup
> My club will be using TR on Field Day. 
> It is my understanding that each computer maintains its own copy of the log.
> If, for some reason, like a computer crash or someone trips over the 
> network cable and yanks it out of a computer, how do we resynchronize 
> the logs so that they are identical?
> If we can't, how do we figure out how many Qs we made?  As it is 
> possible that more than one computer could crash just taking the log 
> with the most Qs as being right may not work.
> 73 de Jim Smith   VE7FO
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