[Trlog] TR&RDXC

Rolf T Salme rolf.salme at telia.com
Wed Mar 17 00:27:57 EST 2004

Dr Nikolai,

Thanks a lot for providing us with the following 
information the other day:


"In Russia symbols of some areas have changed. 
We ask to pay to this attention before Russian DX
Contest, please.

New symbols now in the following areas:

R3M   -   YR
R3S   -    RA
R9K   -   YN
R0H   -   EV
R0Q  -    SH
R0X   -   KY

The information about RDXC look on   www.rdxc.org

  73, de UA9KM,Nikolai Kuprin.
ua9km at ongp.ru  ua9km at km.ru"


I have a few comments:

- the RUSSIAN.DOM file which is distributed with 
TR-Log updates is dated 03/05/98 and is slightly 
out of date, unfortunately;

- Nikolai's comments above come in handy, but 
they do not seem to cover everything;

- I have compared the present RUSSIAN.DOM
file with the Region data provided at the HP of
the organizers of the RDXC contest the coming
weekend, and a quick glance yielded the following
possible changes:

To be deleted or replaced?
Ja = JA
Jn = JN
Kj = KJ
Ya = YA

To be added?
Ky = KY
Sh = SH
Yn = YN
Yr = YR

To be replaced?
Ew = EW by Ev = EV

I would be happy if someone more versed in Russian
geography and administration could check what
I am suggesting above (QSL, Nikolai?)

Final question: provided that the above info is correct,
will my TR-Log be OK in this contest if I simply 
edit RUSSIAN.DOM in accordance with the 
hopingly agreed changes, such as the ones above?


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