[Trlog] Fwd: Spartan Sprint TR Log

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Mon May 17 22:00:46 EDT 2004

Randy, K7TQ kindly wrote:

>It isn't a Spartan Sprint module, but use the QRP ARCI contest.  The
>scoring isn't correct, but the exchange pattern, RST SPC PWR, is close
>enough to work well.  The ARCI exchange pattern is RST SPC MEMBER NUMBER
>OR PWR.  For scoring the Spartan Sprint, just count the number of QSOs.
>The QRP ARCI contest also works well for many QRP contests that are RST

Hey Randy:

TNX, OM!!!  Just discovered I had missed your post...will give this a whack 
for the next SS.


Rick, K6VVA

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