[Trlog] Simulator question

Jim Smith jimsmith at shaw.ca
Wed Nov 3 02:15:20 EST 2004

Ok, I understand the name part now.  I make my own TRMasters and it 
never occurred to me to put my own call in there.

Believe me, that 200 rate wasn't for SS with it's lengthy exchange.

Thanks for the suggestion re cw copying program.  I'll try that.

73, Jim   VE7FO

Ken Beals wrote:

> Just having your name and call in the trmaster file apparently 
> triggers the HI and FB scenarios.  Since I've only had this call a 
> short time, I was not in any of the databases yet.  The latest update 
> I received had all of the NCCC members added with appropriate info.  
> That's when I noticed the HIs and FBs popping up.  I just checked my 
> file and your name isn't in there.  I would think most of the names 
> get in from NAQP and Sprint  logs that you add yourself.  I'm not sure 
> if any of the big updates bother with names.   I think all you need to 
> do is add your name to your entry.
> As for rate, I'm lucky to get to 150 with the SS exchange.  I was 
> thinking about how to go back and check accuracy, and I think the 
> easiest would be to use one of those cw copying programs to copy it 
> and save it to a file.  Since the audio level is consistent I would 
> think they would copy it perfectly.  You'd probably need a second 
> computer to do that though.
> Ken
> Jim Smith wrote:
>> Hmm... I thought that you might be using the Sim as it comes out of 
>> the box without a TRMaster.dta file.  I've used the Sim quite a bit, 
>> using databases appropriate to the contest.  I hadn't noticed it 
>> getting Sections wrong but that doesn't mean much because I'm typing 
>> like crazy trying to keep up.  I presume the Section fields in your 
>> .dta are filled in.  If not, I don't think TR sends a substitute.
>> I just love the Sim.  I sometimes find that 3 hours have gone by 
>> while I'm trying to get the rate past 200 and admiring how fast the 
>> score is mounting up.  It always amazes me how much a stumble or two 
>> impacts the projected rate.
>> I've been trying to think of ways of generating a UBN so that I can 
>> check the accuracy with which I enter the exchanges.
>> I try to get anyone who's learning the code to D/L the free version, 
>> I tell them how to set it up and provide a FD TRmaster.  They start 
>> off as slow as they like and, once they aren't getting too many "You 
>> got my call wrong" complaints, they can start to crank it up.  That's 
>> how I got my code speed back after 30 yrs of rusting away.  Actually, 
>> it's better than it ever was.
>> Anyway, next time I use it (guess that'll be this week for SS) I'll 
>> keep an eye open for wrong sections.  I could even take a 
>> TRMaster.asc and make the contents of all the section fields just the 
>> same, convert it to a .dta and see what Section names come out.  
>> Probably the only way I'd notice a difference.  Either that or 
>> compare the log to the .asc  I'll try the portable thing too.
>> I didn't understand the part about having your name in the file.  
>> What file?
>> 73, Jim   VE7FO
>> Ken Beals wrote:
>>> From what I've seen (and I'm over 2K Qs so far), the simulator does 
>>> not use the info that is attached to the call.  It just sends a 
>>> section that it thinks is appropriate for the prefix.  I can tell 
>>> since I have my database set up with NCCC members, and I've "worked" 
>>> some known calls who ended up in SDGO or LAX or ORG.  You'll also 
>>> notice that it gets confused with portable call signs (K5KG/7 comes 
>>> to mind) by putting them in the wrong section.  I've also noticed a 
>>> few that are completely weird, but I'm guessing that's good practice 
>>> for the real thing.  My database has lots of WCF and a few NL and NT 
>>> also.  The simulator only "knows" about sections from the past (not 
>>> sure when this stuff changed since I wasn't active).
>>> One other cool thing I noticed which I hadn't heard before I updated 
>>> my database:  you'll get occasional "HI <name>" or "FB <name>" if 
>>> your call has your name in the file.  It's definitely as close to 
>>> the real thing as can be (short of crowded band conditions).  After 
>>> 30 years of no cw, the practice has been great.  I'll just have to 
>>> wait for the real thing to get a sweep........
>>> Ken K6MR
>>> Jim Smith wrote:
>>>> It seems to me that if you got a copy of a local club's recent FD 
>>>> log or someone's recent SS log and turned it into a TRMaster.dta 
>>>> file using POST you'd get those abbreviations showing up, assuming 
>>>> that they worked anyone there.
>>>> In other words, I don't think that there is anything in Simulator 
>>>> which would prevent it from sending these abbreviations.
>>>> 73 de Jim Smith   VE7FO
>>>> Ken Beals wrote:
>>>>> OK, probably an old question, but I just have to ask:
>>>>> Does the simulator know about WCF, NL and NT?  I've done lots of 
>>>>> Qs and none of  these.  It does seem to use some older 
>>>>> abbreviations, so maybe it was written before changes to sections?
>>>>> Ken K6MR
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