[Trlog] Small linux test

Kevin Schmidt w9cf at ptolemy.la.asu.edu
Mon Nov 8 12:20:47 EST 2004

I was only able to spend about an hour in the sweepstakes so this is not
a true work out. However, I ran TRlog in linux without any problem. Keying
seemed fine to me (around 30 wpm). The shack computer is:
Dual 266MHz Pentium II,
Slackware Linux 9.1,
Linux Kernel 2.4.24 (SMP),
Latest stable Dosemu: 1.2.2 with Freedos b9r5,
Trlog was run in Dosemu as a window in X,
Parallel port keying.

The computer is networked with my home wireless to DSL, but I don't use
packet, so packet was not turned on. As far as I could tell, TRlog ran
identically to the way it does in DOS.  An open email window and web
browser didn't affect the operation.  Everything seemed rock solid.

73 Kevin w9cf


Kevin Schmidt, w9cf at ptolemy.la.asu.edu, http://fermi.la.asu.edu/w9cf
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1504
(480) 965-8240 Fax: (480) 965-7954

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