[Trlog] Re: Trlog Digest, Vol 23, Issue 13

kd4d at comcast.net kd4d at comcast.net
Fri Nov 12 20:50:16 EST 2004

Hello Doug:

This MAY not work with a "normal" laptop computer.  The issue
is whether the BIOS will recognize the device and boot
from it.  I've used these at work to boot various VME boards
and PC-104 boards, but those have special BIOS's or boot

Has anyone tried this on a "normal" laptop?  Did it work?
Easy enough to plug one in, boot DOS, and see if DOS
sees it as C:, D:, or something like that.  If someone has a
digital camera and one of these cards (and a DOS boot
floppy), I'd love to hear whether it worked.  DOS has
to recognize it and the computer has to be willing to
boot from it.

I'm also interested in whether any of the laptops will boot
from one of these flash cards in a USB-connected reader.

I know the USB memory sticks WILL work with many
(maybe even most) new BIOS's.


Mark, KD4D

> > From: "Joe Staples" <w5asp at earthlink.net>
> > 
> > I noticed this exchange and it occurred to me that the same thing might be
> > possible using a CompactFlash memory card in a USB Reader or PCMCIA card
> > slot. It might be interesting to try as an alternative.
> TAPR (http://www.tapr.org/tapr/html/cfa.html) offers a device that might
> be of interest...
> (I've not tried one)
> -- 
> Doug Smith W9WI
> Pleasant View (Nashville), TN  EM66
> http://www.w9wi.com
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