[Trlog] bootable USB "thumb drive" for XP

PaulKB8N at aol.com PaulKB8N at aol.com
Sun Nov 14 23:34:50 EST 2004

In a message dated 11/14/2004 10:03:37 PM Central Standard Time,  
k4xu at bendcable.com writes:

That's what I've been trying to sell - having a USB that IS the
drive  that boots to DOS. No HDD partitioning needed, all the files
you need are  on the USB. I even back up to the USB drive.
TR thinks it is the C: so everything gets put there.I have also 
noticed that because the drive is so fast, I don't need EMM386, 
SMARTDRV, or anything to make TR function smoothly.
The HDD in the XP  machine never even wakes up. No moving
parts, so to  speak.

That is just what I was suggesting when I started the thread a while back,  
but I truly lacked knowledge on how to make at happen, you've done a lot of  
that, and I think you're on a great path to making this all work!
Paul  Schaffenberger

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