[Trlog] FT-920, built in DVR and command strings - help needed

Bruce Ferry bferry at brightdsl.net
Thu Sep 2 13:11:09 EDT 2004

This has been tossed around on the FT920 reflector and the conclusion is 
that there is no way to do it. There is just no programming in the 920 
to accomplish it.



our club is planning to take part in Region 1 Field Day SSB contest this
weekend, using FT-920 and its built-in digital voice recorder which 
ermits up to 16 seconds of prerecorded messages split into six memory 
banks (messages). We don't have FT-920 manual at hand, so don't know 
whether it is possible to control (play) them via RS-232, same way as we 
can choose wide/narrow filters (with command strings embedded into F-key 
messages), etc. If someone have list of commands available for FT-920, 
particulary for enabling recorded memory banks we would be grateful for 

73!  Mirko, S57AD

Bruce Ferry, AK8B

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