[Trlog] Weird Operation in NAQP -- Help!

Bob Wanderer aa0cy at QUADNET.NET
Sun Aug 7 10:49:06 EDT 2005

Using 6.79.  No changes to logcfg.dat from last time.
Didn't have this happen before.

This happened every time (but once) when I worked a Canadian
station and a couple or three times or so working a W/K.  No
rhyme or reason that I could ascertain.  I keep the bandmap
active even though I don't use packet.  This allows me to
identify stations I've worked (or not) as I pass by on
successive band trolls.  I am 99+% S&P.  Anyway, after I
worked and logged a Canadian station, moved on and came
back, the callsign would not be displayed in the callsign
window.  Either nothing or one or two alphanumeric
characters were displayed, but the cursor was in the middle
of the field.  (This also occurred immediately after the QSO
within the 200Hz guard band as I moved off frequency.)  His
callsign was in the dupe or similar call area, the callsign
was blinking in the bandmap, and his name and Canada was in
the area to the right of the callsign window.  The same
scenario was seen with the few W/K stations.  For probably
99+% of W/K calls, this malady did not occur.


Thanks and 73,

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