[Trlog] Novice/Tech QSO points in ARRL 10-meter contest

Paul Kirley pkirley at fuse.net
Tue Dec 6 20:27:08 EST 2005

Rule 5.1.3 for this weekend's ARRL 10-meter contest specifies "Eight points for CW QSOs with US Novice or Technician Plus stations signing /N or /T (28.1 to 28.3 MHz only)."  

While TRLog's DAT file and claimed score calculations show 8 points per /N and /T QSO, the Cabrillo file generated by POST shows the default 28000 frequency for every QSO.  This downgrades the /N and /T QSOs to 4-pointers in the final scoring.  

For example, last year
QSO: 28000 CW 2004-12-11 1407 W8TM          599 Oh     KA5PQD/N      599 Tx
got me 4 QSO points (my final CW-only score was 4 times QSOs times mults, with final QSO and mult counts as claimed).

An obvious workaround is manual editing of the frequency in the Cabrillo file generated by POST.  I don't know if there are alternative approaches.

I thought that others might appreciate a warning about this quirk.

73, Paul W8TM

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