[Trlog] Exchange default value ?

Udo - DL2ZAV u.lautenbach at ag-huenfeld.justiz.hessen.de
Tue Feb 8 03:57:57 EST 2005


on Feb 07 at 22:42 you wrote:

qskguy> "Igor Sokolov" <ua9cdc at r66.ru> a écrit :

>>Choose GENERAL QSO if you do not want to mess up with exchanges and
>>you will have TRlog behavior the way you want.
>>73, Igor UA9CDC

qskguy> There is no GENERAL QSO mode in the free version. :)

a) try KIDS DAY (should be in TRfree)

b) try QSL MODE = QSL AND LOG (not sure about the syntax here)

Udo - DL2ZAV 

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