[Trlog] Using Post to update TR Master

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Tue Feb 15 20:37:56 EST 2005


>Thanks, Brett
>I appreciate the insights.
>I really do need to get after building my own TRMASTER
>so I'll have one with known contents.  There are a bunch
>out there, but I never know for sure if they have the data
>I want in them.

No problem.

I find TRMASTER to be very helpful.  By using data from my
own logs & only displaying that data on the screen, it is
like when I was a young whipper-snapper & could keep it all
in my head.

I then mix in the latest file from AD1C, K9TM & now K5ZD.
One of these days, I will then delete single hit calls & then
it should show me just the calls I haven't busted with the data
I last logged when I worked that station.

Just keep in mind that POST still eats some calls (like VY1JA
& JN7OJA) & sometimes will drop bits (like N7ET/DU7's name).

Another thing I do is do UEFV with vanity call data I have
collected & do this from time to time as I may over time work
some of those calls that I haven't before.  Again, at my advanced
age it's hard to keep track of all these bloody vanity calls
(especially that NN1N bloke or whatever he is now ;^).  However, I
recently found that UEFV appears to not do an exact match &
therefore can produce some strange results.

Hopefully Tree will have some time someday to look at these.

73, VR2BrettGraham

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