[Trlog] TRLOG - Windows version

YO9HP a45wd at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 7 08:34:14 EDT 2005

The P.S. of N6TR message (attached below) must be the
news of the year for us, TR-log fans. I hope we can
play with the Beta version in less than 10 years.

Good luck Tree!
Alex, A45WD - YO9HP - YR9P

Original message posted on Cq-Contest Reflector:
<<<<<<[CQ-Contest] Everyone uses CT
Tree tree at kkn.net 
Wed Jul 6 12:11:34 EDT 2005 

Well - I guess I am not everyone, as I have never used
it - at least not enough to fully learn it.

I couldn't ever figure out the INSERT key to start
sending CW - just too far from the home typing
position (and too small of a key).

At a recent multi-multi, where all but two of the
computers were using CT, it was shown that the new TR
feature that emulates the CT network worked great. 
This was used at a multi-multi that won the world.  

So - I hope that those who want to use TR can
hopefully use this feature to setup a couple of
computers with TR and join the multi-multi without 
having to learn CT.

73 Tree N6TR
tree at kkn.net

PS: I think I have decided to write a windows version
of TR.  However, it will take awhile - I expect about
10 years.>>>>

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