[Trlog] Simulator for SPRINT

Tree tree at kkn.net
Fri Jun 17 14:05:52 EDT 2005

On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 10:34:54AM -0700, Robert Tellefsen wrote:
> I've been playing with the simulator for SPRINT, and I notice a quirk
> that isn't there during the real thing.
> When I hear a station CQing (in real life) I enter his call
> in the call window so I'll be ready to reply when he stops.
> In the simulator, the call window is locked out until he stops sending.
> This really screws up my rhythm.
> Is there a way to allow call sign entry during his CQing in the simulator?

Not in the simulator.

The program is essentially in a loop waiting for the CQ to finish.

You will find that in the "real" sprint - you do not really have time
to enter the call into the window either.

The best way to answer someone CQing in the sprint is to hit the SPACE BAR.

This does require that you use the visual dupesheet to determine if a station
is a dupe or not.  However, once you get yourself used to doing it this way,
you will find yourself answering people right away.  You have plenty of time
to enter the callsign and then press Alt-Z while your callsign is being 
sent - thus making your operation more efficient.


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