[Trlog] TR-Log on New computers

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Wed Nov 2 19:33:49 EST 2005

First of all, thanks to KD4D for figuring out 
how to to this, and for helping me to get TR-Log
working on my Windows XP system.

I wound up doing a dual boot system, using GAG to
choose between Windows XP or a stripped-down version
of Windows 98 DOS.  I could not get FreeDOS to recognize
an FAT16 EXTENDED DOS partition, but that turned out to 
be moot, as you can only boot from a PRIMARY DOS partition.

I won't go into all of the gory details that KD4D worked
out with me in search of a solution.  His documents pretty
much spell out the process.  In my case, I already had a 
spare 300MB partition that I wound up using.  In short,
I made that partition a PRIMARY DOS partition and formatted 
it with W98 DOS.  I then installed the DOS system files on 
that partition.  I then installed GAG and it found both OSes,
XP and W98 DOS. I choose the OS at boot.  I did not lose any 
of my XP files or functionality (whew.)

My main stumbling blocks included not knowing that to BOOT 
from a DOS partition, it has to be PRIMARY.  If I had created
the extra small partition that way in the first place when I 
installed XP, it would have saved me some trouble.
I also had to install DOS drivers for the PCI serial card.

My new XP system can now run TR under real DOS and it works 100%.
Thank goodness I don't have to use another SW package for SS CW.

There are two problems left that I can tell.

One problem is that when exiting TR, one of the radios is left
in a KEY DOWN mode, until I re-start TR or disconenct the
parallel cable.  Fortunately I can disable this with the 
AUTO/MANUAL switch on the DXDoubler, but I can see how it would
be real easy to keep a rig stuck in transmit accidentally.

The more serious problem seems to be related to processor heat.
I have temerature sensors on my Intel Mobo, and TR really runs
the machine hot -- into the red zone in fact.  Typical Windows
temperatures are (3 zones, in defrees F)  110  97  99.  After
running TR for 15 minutes the numbers jump to 147   109  122.
(I have to exit TR and boot to XP quickly to read the temps.)
I noticed this before when running TR under an XP shell window,
but it looks like it's also a problem under DOS.  I've seen
some "slow down" programs out there, but could not get them to
work under W98 DOS.  Any ideas on how to run it cooler?

Thanks again to KD4D for all of his hard work.


-Kirk  K4RO

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