[Trlog] Duplicate Numbers in 6.78

Tree tree at kkn.net
Sat Nov 12 12:17:01 EST 2005

On Sat, Nov 12, 2005 at 10:14:43AM -0600, Dale Martin wrote:
> Twice, during SS CW, TRLog (6.78) issued duplicate numbers: 
>  40CW  06-Nov-05 23:18  588  N8SR           166  B 68 Mi
> 2
>  40CW  06-Nov-05 23:20  589  K5NA          1221  M 58 STx
> 2
>  20CW  06-Nov-05 23:22  589  W3PH           255  A 61 Mdc
> 2
>  20CW  06-Nov-05 23:23  590  W3PH           255  A 61 Mdc
> 0
>  20CW  06-Nov-05 23:24  591  K0HW           359  U 61 Sd
> 2
>  20CW  06-Nov-05 23:30  592  VE7NH          375  A 47 Bc
> 2
> In the case above, I caught it sending 589 and corrected it with W3PH to
> 590.  I then left the duplicate line in as a reminder to send this note. 
>  20CW  06-Nov-05 15:02  396  WE9V        *  190  U 90 Wi
> 2
>  20CW  06-Nov-05 15:04  397  W4MR            47  B 76 Nc
> 2
>  20CW  06-Nov-05 15:07  397  VE5ZX       *  368  A 63 Sk
> 2
>  20CW  06-Nov-05 15:09  398  W1AO           238  A 58 Me
> 2
> Here's the other occurrence of a duplicate number sent.  Sadly, I did not
> notice it until after the contest.  I don't know if the contest-checking
> software will nail me for it, but so it goes.  

Probably not.  If your Cabrillo log shows the correct sent number (even if a
duplicate) - nothing bad will happen to either party in the QSO.

> I also got and did not notice two NONCW's.  I guessed they were made on the
> band surrounding the QSO's. Hopefully, they weren't second radio QSO's or
> I'm out those QSO's, too. 

In the SS - the log checking doesn't really care about the band.  Since there
aren't QSOs by band or multipliers by band - it really just doesn't matter
that much if a QSO is logged on the wrong band.  

This is a different story in something like the ARRL DX contst or CW Sprint,
where having each side of the QSO logged on different bands will result in a
NIL for both parties.

Is there any chance that the program was restarted just before this occurred?

Any Alt-E editing?


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