[Trlog] What Was I Doing....Wrong?

Dale Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Mon Dec 11 13:15:55 EST 2006

Thanks, Tree.  

The fun continues...

I just turned on the radio computer and booted TRLog to see what it was I
was seeing and doing.  

Here's what the Ctl-J command list says...

SCP Minimum Letters= 0 
Partial Call Enable = True
Partial Call Load Log Enable = False
Possible Calls = All
Possible Call Mode = All 

In S&P or CQ modes, I type in N5 and I get:
<N5KWN> N5XZ (both of whom are dupes) in the possible call bar
THEN, I finish the call, N5ZK and the possible call bar changes to show: 
No Calls Found
THEN, (in S&P mode) I hit enter to call the station and get:
N5ZK DUPE in the call entry field, and
<N5ZC> N5ZK (highlighted as a DUPE) in the possible calls bar

If I go to type in K5NA, at K5 I see
<K5EWJ> K5WA K5ZD in the possible calls bar and all dupes.
At K5N, and K5NA, the bar changes to "No Calls Found".
When I hit Enter, though, I get K5NA DUPE in the call entry field and 
<K3NA> K5KA K5MA K5NZ K5SA K5TA K5WA K6NA N5MA in the possible calls field
(some of whom are dupes; others not yet worked)

Is this normal?  

Have I been 'seeing' this all along and not noticing?  

Why don't all the possible calls show up as I type in K5?  

In S&P, if I had seen all the possible calls show up when I typed K5, I
would have seen K5NA highlighted as a DUPE and simply hit ESC to bail out
and go to the next S&P QSO. 

I'm not looking for a change or anything--after all, I'm still using 6.79.
I'm just curious as to why I'm suddenly aware of this dichotomy of
presentation of possile calls/dupes.  Why had I not noticed this before...or
why had I not found it bothersome before?  Had I changed something?  

Dale, kg5u

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tree [mailto:tree at kkn.net] 
> Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2006 11:54 PM
> To: Dale Martin
> Cc: TRLog Reflector
> Subject: Re: [Trlog] What Was I Doing....Wrong?
> > Any idea what's going on?  I don't remember the calls 
> appearing like 
> > this before; it seemed they would always be there and changing as I 
> > typed in a callsign.
> There are two different modes here.
> SCP MINIMUM LETTERS does the SCP window - that shows up in 
> the editable log window as you type in a call.  When you hit 
> RETURN to work the station, you get POSSIBLE CALLS on the 
> bottom of the screen.  You can make POSSIBLE CALLS only show 
> calls that have names in it.
> Tree

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