[Trlog] CI-V address for 756PROII

J. Edward (Ed) Muns w0yk at msn.com
Tue Dec 12 15:39:42 EST 2006

Mark wrote:
> (please???) is you can run two independently addressed Icoms 
> like this on a SINGLE SERIAL PORT.  How cool is that?

Very cool ... until the cable fails and NEITHER radio is connected to

Sure, the chances of this are low, but one of the great features of SO2R is
the redundancy, so why purposely insert a single failure point that could
disconnect BOTH rigs from TR-Log?  In any case, there are more important
things for Tree to fix, in my view.  Like making LASTCQFREQUENCY put TR-Log
in CQ state rather than S&P.  Or, making Alt-D setup work from the band map
of the other radio when auto-CQing on the first radio.

Ed - W0YK

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