[Trlog] All Asia CW contest

Tree tree at kkn.net
Wed Jun 21 11:22:03 EDT 2006

On Tue, Jun 20, 2006 at 07:54:23PM -0700, Brian Summers wrote:
> I spent several hours in the contest this past weekend, but neither log.dat nor log.cbr show the exchange I sent. The columns following my callsign are blank until the column that shows callsigns of stations worked. Then there are two other columns both of which read 599, then a third column that shows the age of the operator as sent by the other station. The contest exchange is RST followed by operators age. Nowhere is my age recorded although it was sent.
> Using 6.73 and Post version 6.73_beta_05mar03

At the time I last did work on the cabrillo stuff - the All Asian wasn't 
supported.  You will need to fool the program into thinking it is doing
some other contest that is supported to get anything.

The WPX might work.


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