[Trlog] CW message for callsign?

rt_clay at bellsouth.net rt_clay at bellsouth.net
Sun May 21 17:39:18 EDT 2006

Supporting K1EL's WinKeyer would be very cool...


> From: Tree <tree at kkn.net>
> Date: 2006/05/21 Sun PM 01:30:32 EDT
> To: VR2BrettGraham <vr2bg at harts.org.hk>
> CC: trlog at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [Trlog] CW message for callsign?
> On Sun, May 21, 2006 at 12:16:42AM +0000, VR2BrettGraham wrote:
> > N4OGW asked about sending CW from the radio with TR via
> > RS-232 interface.
> > 
> > >However, there was one major problem...there is no cw message in 
> > >trlog to send your callsign! Is there a "secret" message name for 
> > >the callsign? Or is sending the callsign handled separately from the 
> > >function and exchange keys? It would also be great to be able to 
> > >have ESC send the "kill cw" command (I did do this with a separate 
> > >function key and it worked fine).
> This all is sounding very familar to me.  When I first wrote TR, I 
> used the AEA MM3 keyer for sending CW.  I had to beg them to add 
> commands to "kill CW" - and to report back if CW was still being
> sent or not.
> I probably still have that module somwhere and coule probably make
> minor changes to it to work some other serial device.  
> Tree
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