[Trlog] What's upcoming in TRlog

Tree tree at kkn.net
Sun May 28 13:01:19 EDT 2006

On Fri, May 26, 2006 at 08:38:24PM -0700, w6oa at juno.com wrote:

> Anything brewing with making TRlog into a windows compatible program?

Hmm - not sure how to exactly answer this.  The easy answer is "no".  

However, there are various people whom over the years have come out of
the woodwork and offered to do something for windows.  I share some source
code with them and then after a few months, I never hear anything more 
about it.

Recently, some Russian hams contacted me - and while I have yet to see
any output from them yet, I was recently asked what we should call the
program - the suggestion being TR4W.  This seemed to be an interesting
question that indicates that perhaps something is nearing completion.

Maybe if they are monitoring the reflector, they can update the status
of their effort.

> Don, W6OA/7
> Winlock, WA

So - are you locked into using a windows program?  (sorry - couldn't 


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