[Trlog] New TR684.ZIP

Mark Beckwith n5ot at n5ot.com
Thu Nov 2 09:01:05 EST 2006

> A new copy at
> http://www.kkn.net/~tree/TR684.ZIP

Thanks Tree.

I got 6.84 all set up and running this morning, and the only problem I 
detected was that Alt-D updates don't happen when I'm using the Auto-CQ 
feature on the main radio.  I made probably 40 or 50 mock QSOs SO2R.

I didn't notice any cases of winding up on the "wrong radio" - I don't know 
the exact sequence of events, but this used to happen to me from time to 
time in past years when I would botch a QSO and try to back out - and wind 
up on the wrong rig.  All good now, seemingly.

Thanks again, Tree.  At this point I'm going to start the contest with 

Mark, N5OT 

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