[Trlog] On deck call results

Robert Brandon rb at austin.rr.com
Mon Nov 6 12:08:44 EST 2006

Yes, I've noticed the sending pause during Alt-D in previous versions.  I
never have any sidetone going, so I don't know the pattern, but I've learned
not to dilly-dally when doing an Alt-D.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Wetzel [mailto:mjwetzel at comcast.net] 
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2006 10:58 AM
To: Robert Brandon; trlog at contesting.com
Subject: RE: [Trlog] On deck call results

I used the latest version of TR this weekend and for me it worked fine
except as below. I didn't notice Robert's instances here.

Where I noticed the flaw was after a few hundred q's if I would use the
Alt-D in the middle of sending  the exchange on the first radio, the first
radio would stop sending until I hit the 'return' key entering the call for
the on deck window.  It took me several times to figure out what was
happening did other observe this?  I sure hope this wasn't just me and sure
hope this is easily fixed.

Otherwise work flawlessly here, thanks again Tree.  This was a great test
for the CQWW CW and the new version.

Mike W9RE

-----Original Message-----
From: trlog-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:trlog-bounces at contesting.com]On
Behalf Of Robert Brandon
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2006 11:45 AM
To: trlog at contesting.com
Subject: [Trlog] On deck call results

I used the new version of TR (6.85) in SS this weekend, and it worked pretty
well.  The "on deck" call for the second radio didn't usually disappear, but
there were two instances where it did.  First was when I cancelled an auto
CQ on the run radio.  The other was stranger -- if I loaded a call quickly
and tried to immediately use it, it wasn't always there and I'd end up in
S&P mode on the run radio.  I also noticed that if I started to load a
second radio call, then backed out with ESC, there'd be gibberish in the on
deck call window.  (No consequence, but a little odd.)

Even though I almost never use packet, I always use the band map so I can
mark pileups to come back to, see when I've last swept a band, etc.  It was
kind of cool this weekend to see the on deck call load from the band map.
It would be really cool (though really complicated, I'm sure) to see the
NEXTBANDMAP functions work with the second radio.

Robert K5PI

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