[Trlog] Dupes galore...Follow-up.

w4ZW w4zw at comcast.net
Mon Nov 6 15:57:58 EST 2006

Same problem here.  Seemed to work OK during the contest until I worked a
friend a 2nd time and it didn't flag it as a dupe.  I thought maybe I had a
typo in the first Q (happens a lot with my hunt and peck method), but after
processing the log found 7 dupes!  I was surprised.

Jon Hamlet,  W4ZW
Casey Key Island, Florida
"A little piece of paradise in the Gulf of Mexico"

-----Original Message-----
From: trlog-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:trlog-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Dale Martin
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2006 1:06 AM
To: 'TRLog Reflector'
Subject: Re: [Trlog] Dupes galore...Follow-up.

I think I was a couple of hours into the contest when I first noticed a
duping problem with the software (I was using 684).  I called KM1X, I think
it was, and he said I was a dupe, but the TR was telling me not.  He gave me
another Q for insurance.  I then noticed that stations I was dupechecking
were not showing up as the dupes they were supposed to be. 

I went through the .cfg and took out any commands that seemed to me might
affect duping in any way.  

No change. 

I tried 6.78 and it was the same thing.  

I then printed out the log and created a brand new SSCW log and entered in
the QSO's (about 80 of them) manually.  Dupe check functions worked
normally.  I stayed with 678 throughout the contest. 

I'll plug the old .cfg back in tomorrow and see if the non-duping returns. 

This was and wasn't a good contest...too many problems....While filling in
the new log and checking it out, I got so excited about 'fixing' it, I
forgot to make sure I used more than 30 minutes doing so to use as an
off-time...duh...I made the first qso at 24 minutes off.  Also, my headphone
audio switching went out, too....I feel like I've been beaten up after this

Dale, kg5u

> I'm not seeing any stations who have been worked before showing up as 
> dupes.... I'm sure it's not me....after all, I remember working w6oat, 
> k6ll, k1zz, k5zd, wd0t, etc., and I can find them in the log, but they 
> don't show up as dupes if I try to work them or dupecheck them.
> I've checked and re-checked and re-checked my settings, and all seems 
> normal.
> I've tried removing commands that looked like they had anything to do 
> with dupes....nothing...
> I've tried it in 6.78 and 6.85 ....no difference.... 
> After losing 10m on one radio, High SWR on my C3, andnow this....I may 
> pack it in...

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