[Trlog] paddle interface not working

Gary Slagel gdslagel at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 14 16:23:06 EST 2006

Wondered if anyone could give me advice on this.  

My paddle interface is sending nothing but di dah di
dah di dah or dit dit dit dit.  I saw in the
troubleshooting section of the manual that this
usually means my older computer needs to have the dit
and day inputs tied to pin 14 through a resistor. 

I'm using an old toshiba computer with windows 98 that
I boot to dos.  I purchased the model 3 cw interface
from trlog that has the paddle interface built in and
I looked at it and it has the resistor across the
pins.  This has worked for me for several previous
contests.    I have had problems with the paddle
interface before but have been able to get it going
just by fooling with the interface a little.. pulling
and plugging cables, etc, and all the sudden it would
start up!  

Any thoughts on what to look at?

Thanks for any help,

Gary Slagel/N0SXX
Lakewood, CO

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