[Trlog] Set Up Question

Igor Sokolov ua9cdc at gmail.com
Sun Dec 16 16:52:48 EST 2007

What happened to www.trlog.com ?
I am looking for DOS booting from memory stick  instructions. Can it be 
found somewhere else?

73, Igor UA9CDC

>> > This did work, however I had to delete my "RST" file and let the 
>> > program
>> > restart in its own creating a new "RST" file. The old one was 
>> > preventing TR
>> > from counting the mults in the correct (by band) manner. I don't 
>> > understand
>> > the RST file, and have had to delete it and restart the program again 
>> > on
>> > occasion for it to include other changes. Perhaps someone can explain 
>> > what
>> > it does and why this is necessary.
>> Tree would of course know all the details, but it's basically a cache 
>> that
>> stores things like all the QSO totals, mult totals, settings, etc. so 
>> that
>> if you restart in the middle of a contest, the program does not need to
>> rescan the configuration files or (worse) the entire log to get you back
>> up and running with all your settings and an accurate score and 
>> mults-needed
>> display.  If the file is missing, it will rescan the configs and log (and
>> rebuild a restart.bin file for next time).  It's value may have been more
>> important in the days of 15MHz 286s than today's very fast processors.
> I can't describe it any better than that.  It contains a dupesheet, your
> SCP information and initial exchange memory and some other stuff.  I even
> think your code speed might be in there.  It gets updated after each 
> logged
> QSO.
> Tree
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