[Trlog] RTTY under Linux

Kevin Schmidt w9cf at ptolemy.la.asu.edu
Thu Jan 4 20:42:30 EST 2007

I just wanted to report that it seems that TR can be used for RTTY
under linux.

I don't normally use RTTY, but I noticed that the ARRL RTTY roundup
will be this weekend, and I thought it might be fun to make a few QSOs.
My shack computer only runs linux, and I have been running TRlog using
dosemu since I think TRlog is far superior to the native linux contest
loggers.  I was able to set up fldigi from W1HKJ <http://www.w1hkj.com/>
as the modem for TRlog. TRlog communicates with fldigi through a pseudotty
set up as a serial port for dosemu and fldigi uses the sound card to
modulate and demodulate.  There are some rough edges, but it looks like
it is working. A screen shot for anyone who is interested can be seen at
<http://members.cox.net/w9cf>. The screen shot shows PSK31 since that
is all I could find on the air when I was testing, but everything runs
the same for RTTY.

73 Kevin w9cf

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