[Trlog] No paddle inputs - SOLVED

ke5c ke5c at hot.rr.com
Wed Sep 12 23:58:00 EDT 2007

For those of you who suggested an external source for the dit and dah 
line pull up resistors, you WIN.  If you recall, I moved an existing 
hard drive partition with FreeDOS and TR from a Dell desktop to a 
Thinkpad T23, and I moved a parallel port interface adapter (originally 
from K5TR) which was working on the same Dell to the T23, but I got no 
paddle response even though I could send CW from the keyboard through 
the same adapter.  Prior messages on this reflector had described a 
similar problem, but in each of those cases, the computer sent 
alternating dits and dahs whereas my computer sent nothing.  The answer 
must lie in some electrical difference between the T23 and the Dell 
desktop parallel ports.  To get 5v for the pullup, I hacked a USB cable 
I was not using to grab the power and ground lines, and I just hard 
wired that into my adapter so now I plug the USB cable into one of the 
USB ports when I am using the T23 for FreeDOS/TR.  Thanks for all the 
suggestions!  What a relief !!

73, john

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