[Trlog] Help with Byterunner config for SO2R

wg0m at aol.com wg0m at aol.com
Thu Aug 5 05:20:14 PDT 2010

Hi All:
Well, I should have left well enough alone.......I didn't

I need help getting my computer to see rig2 again.  It used to.  So what changed?  I added an Ethernet card which bumped the addressing 

Now I can't seem to get the VESMUIO.CFG set right so the computer sees rig 2. I get the following error message in TR:  RADIO TWO polling disabled

I ran the VESHOW per the instructions to get my numbers

Origional VESMUIO.cfg string: S,A800,02E0,14,8,5 (WHICH WORKED BEFORE THE ETHERNET CARD)

The new scring I came up with is S,B800,AC08,5,8,5.  I changed the VESMUIO.cfg string to this

Device manager shows COMM 5 address is AC08-AC0F and IRQ 5

I made the address correction in my TR config file (from 02E0 to AC08) as well

Now the Radio TWO polling disabled error message is gone but I still don't see the rig 2 frequency.

I have the following command line in my autoexe.bat file


Any help is greatly appreciated.  I enjoy using TR on all CW contests and NAQP is only a few days away.  

Michael WG0M

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