[Trlog] Version 6.95

John Harden, D.M.D. jhdmd at bellsouth.net
Sat Dec 4 09:02:35 PST 2010

I am using Version 6.95 and the Orion I works fine with it. The contest 
Computer runs MS-DOS 6.22 and has 4 COM Ports.

COM 1 is Internet Packet piped in on a Null Modem cable from WinTelNetX 
on a WIN 7 computer (2400 Baud; N,7,1)

COM 2 is Radio (57,600 baud) (N,8,2)

COM 3 is keying (2400 baud) (N,8,1)


John, W4NU
K4JAG (1959 to 1998)

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