[Trlog] TR6.96 and parallel ports

Tree tree at kkn.net
Sat Dec 4 11:43:29 PST 2010

On Sat, Dec 04, 2010 at 02:34:10PM -0500, Zivney, Terry L. wrote:

> Although the parallel ports now give band data in 6.96, unfortunately, the
> band data  does not appear to be sent unless the radio is ACTIVE.
> TR reads the frequency of the INACTIVE radio promptly, but does
> not send the band data to the appropriate parallel port unless the 
> radio is the active radio.  Thus, if you change the band of the inactive
> radio with the band button on the rig, the inactive radio will not have
> a good antenna to listen on until it becomes an active radio.
> This is NOT the behavior under 6.78.  In 6.78 the band data on
> both radios follows the frequency shown in TRLog.

Thanks Terry - glad you got things working (mostly).

This sounds like it should be an easy bug for me to fix.  I'll look at it
this weekend.

Also - for those of you fighting with having enough memory available, I have
put a "protected mode" version of TR up on the website.  Feel free to give it
a try and see how it works for you.  Would be interested in any comments.  
Perhaps this should be the way that TR is distributed from now on.  



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