[Trlog] FT1000D interfacing

Tree tree at kkn.net
Mon Nov 29 20:02:06 PST 2010

On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 09:47:51PM -0600, Jasper---NE9U wrote:
> Are there any tricks getting a FT1000d to talk to TR successfully via a Yaesu FIF-232C box?
> I've been trying all night with no luck.  (no problems with same computer and my IC765)
> The only statements i can think of having in my .cfg file are these:
> Radio one control port =  serial one
> radio one baud rate = 4800
> radio one type = ft1000d
> I've been using version 6.73 and included this statement
> yaesu response timeout = 100

Do you know if your 1000D has the necessary firmware?  Sometime around 1993 or 
something, they put out a firmware update to make it work for logging software.
If you don't have that version, it isn't going to work.  

I used to have that information written down somewhere.

A quick google search found this:


Looks like maybe you need version 6.


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