[Trlog] IRQ's and 9600b

Mike Wetzel mjwetzel at comcast.net
Mon Jun 3 15:07:58 EDT 2013

Rehashing one final time before I give up.


I am running TR and all was fine at 4800 b with a IC-7800 and a K3.   I
bought a "PigKnob" that only runs at 9600b and above and that's when my
trouble started.


My computer is a Gateway P5-90 (upped to 133) using a ATI Mach 64 video
board (that I believe uses 3e8).  It has 2 com ports on the motherboard and
a SIIG com 3/4 ISA board installed.  Com 2 on the motherboard is fried
although it shows up in the control panel and in the BIOS and I don't see
how to disable it on the motherboard.  I was using Com 1 and Com 3 at 4800
(with no IRQS statement to turn on IRQ's)  without any trouble. 


I can't come up with another video card that would not use 2e8 and will fit
this old computer and I'm not sure that would work anyway because Com4
doesn't show up in the BIOS.   


I believe TR only wants to see:

Com1  IRQ4   3f8

Com2  IRQ3   2f8

Com3  IRQ4   3e8

Com4  IRQ3   2e8


When I set my Com4 to 2e8 the port is closed (most likely a conflict with
the video board using this adr)  and when I set Com4 to adr 260 TR will not
work even at 4800b (Hyper Terminal and the K3 utility program work fine).
Since I need to go to 9600b I need to set IRQS=True.  This works with each
radio individually on either Com1 or Com3 but will not work at the same time
because I think of the inability to share IRQ4.  That's why I was trying to
get Com4 (IRQ3) to work since it is a different IRQ.  


I have searched read and reread the archives but no joy. 


Are there any other commands that might be used in the config file that
might work? 


Last resort is a baud converter but it is in VK land. 




An old computer and TR user-Mike W9RE


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