[Trlog] IRQ's and 9600b

Mike Wetzel mjwetzel at comcast.net
Mon Jun 3 18:17:40 EDT 2013


Thanks immensely-that did the trick! 
Last question where and how do I put that statement so it executes on each
start up or reboot?

I really appreciate your taking time to think about this and help me out.


Mike W9RE

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Schmidt [mailto:w9cf at arrl.net] 
Sent: June 03, 2013 3:57 PM
To: Mike Wetzel
Cc: trlog at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Trlog] IRQ's and 9600b

I believe TR looks at the BIOS memory at 40:00 to find the port addresses.
If they are set to 0000 there, it uses the defaults. I would try
1. set Com4 to address $0260
2. run the command TR PORTS to see what TR thinks the com4 port address is.
If it thinks it is 2e8, then there is hope. Set the BIOS memory by hand
to $0260 using debug. That is type DEBUG then type

-e 40:06 60 02

The - is the prompt. Then try TR PORTS again and see if it reports the
correct address.

73 Kevin w9cf

On Mon, Jun 03, 2013 at 03:07:58PM -0400, Mike Wetzel wrote:
> I believe TR only wants to see:
> Com1  IRQ4   3f8
> Com2  IRQ3   2f8
> Com3  IRQ4   3e8
> Com4  IRQ3   2e8
> When I set my Com4 to 2e8 the port is closed (most likely a conflict with
> the video board using this adr)  and when I set Com4 to adr 260 TR will
> work even at 4800b (Hyper Terminal and the K3 utility program work fine).

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