[Trlog] trlinux?

Ted Albert ted.albert at fuse.net
Thu Jun 13 21:08:02 EDT 2013


Wanted to report that version 0.20 worked great during the ARRL VHF 
Contest this past weekend. The issues I reported earlier with version 
0.03 regarding Post have been resolved. They were probably fixed much 
earlier but I just upgraded to version 0.20 before the contest.

Very smooth contest operation with integration to my K3/10 for reading 
and setting the K3's frequency and direct CW keying using DTR via the 
USB-to-Serial converter and cwdaemon. Distribution is still Ubuntu 12.04.

73 de Ted, AB8FJ

On 01/28/2013 02:58 PM, George Fremin III wrote:
> Hi,
> Is anyone on this list using or playing with the trlinux
> versions that w9cf has been working on?

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