[Trlog] trlinux

George Fremin III geoiii at kkn.net
Wed Mar 6 13:10:10 EST 2013


I few weeks ago I posted on here asking if anyone was using 'trlinux'
that W9CF has been working on.  About a year ago he made a post to
this list asking if anyone wanted to try out his efforts.  At the time
I did get a copy from him but did not do much with it other than
seeing if I could get it to run.  A month or so ago I decided to check
it out again.

trlinux is just like running TR-Log DOS but it is under Linux and will
run on modern hardware and talk to the dx spotting systems and can
interface to USB ports and such.  In some ways it is very beta
software in that there are rough edges but I have now used it in both
modes of the ARRL DX contest and I have been very happy.

I am very used to running Linux both on servers and on the desktop so
I do have that advantage - so I sometimes can not tell if there are
some things I just know and take for granted that would be hard for
others to sort out - but for me trlinux has been easy to make work and
so far been about as easy to use a TR-Log DOS.

One issue was what to use for a DVR on SSB - in my case I programed up
the memory to send a radio command to my K3 radios that will 'push' the
DVR memory button on the radio.  I only use the voice keyer to call CQ
so this works for me.

Anyway - if you are comfortable in Linux and like TR-Log than 
give trlinux a try. 
If you have any questions drop me an email.

George Fremin III - K5TR
geoiii at kkn.net

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