[Trlog] CW-Open Config File in TR

Jim George n3bb at mindspring.com
Thu Mar 14 09:38:32 EDT 2013

Some time ago, several of us had a short dialogue regarding a TR config 
file for the CW Open mini-contests. I fooled around with a "general 
logging" sort of set up, but that would accept names and "numbers" of only 
three digits.

Yesterday, I dabbled with the CW Open and tried the "Fists" setup ( in TR). 
The "Fists" contest as selected accepts the "Exchange" of both a name and a 
number including at least four digits. It probably goes to five digits, 
since many Fists numbers are that long. Simply modify the CQ and S&P CW 
exchanges the way you want, and you are in business. It seems to work nicely.

Jim N3BB

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