[Trlog] Raspberry Pi

Andre Schoch andre011 at gmx.net
Wed Jan 8 09:50:30 EST 2014

Ha, no! Since there is a almost perfect working linux version of TRlog I tried this. I have this version running on all my machines, but somehow the usual 'linux-way' as described in the manual doesn't work for the raspberry. 
Why the raspberry? Because it's very energy-friendly (less than 3 Watts), it has configurable GPIOs which can be connected with some relays. I use these relays to switch on my transceiver and to switch my receiving antennas. So I have a remote-station consisting of RTX and raspberry (size of a cigarette box) only, and the computer is running 24/7 and needs only minimal power. 
The problem is the arm architecture. Most linux software has been recompiled for it, but for some reason LinuxTR is not working yet.

Any ideas?
~73 de Andre, DL4UNY (http://www.dl4uny.de)~

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