[Trlog] Parallel Serial Port

Robert Brandon rb at austin.rr.com
Thu Jan 23 13:00:18 EST 2014

There is of course TR for Windows

and TR for Linux

Both support USB, which means you can use a USB-to-serial converter for the
radio interface and a Winkey for CW keying.

Robert K5PI

-----Original Message-----
From: Trlog [mailto:trlog-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
kd4d at comcast.net
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 10:02 AM
To: trlog at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Trlog] Parallel Serial Port

Good day, Bill:

Byterunner sells PCI serial and parallel cards (PCI) that work with MSDOS.
I used these with TRLog for several years.

That allows adding ports IF the computer has PCI slots (these are vanishing
rapidly though).  You can install MSDOS on the computer (dual boot) if it is
a Windows box.  Let me know if you need more information.


Mark, KD4D

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve London" <n2icarrl at gmail.com>
To: trlog at contesting.com
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 10:25:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Trlog] Parallel Serial Port

TRLog is a DOS program. You cannot use any USB ports or USB-to-serial or
USB-to-parallel adapters with it. You will need real serial or parallel
ports and DOS drivers that work with those ports, and with your computer.
Not easy to find any more.

Perhaps KQ2M could help you acquire some old, but working, DOS computers
that have real serial and parallel ports.

Steve, N2IC

On 01/23/2014 08:12 AM, K4LTA wrote:
> For the 10 years that I have used TR Log, I have always keyed my 2 radios
using parallel ports.   I have now changed to another computer which only
has 1 parallel port.   It also has 2 serial ports for controlling my two
rigs plus a couple of USB ports.  Can I key one of my radios with a serial
port or from a USB port to a serial port adapter cable?    Any help or
suggestions would be appreciated.
>   73  Bill K4LTA
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