[Trlog] Cabrillo for OK/OM

Mike Wetzel mjwetzel at comcast.net
Mon Nov 10 22:26:13 EST 2014


The checking still complains about the spaces in the file generated as you
suggested below.

First time the check stopped at line 18 this time at line 81.


Mike W9RE

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Schmidt [mailto:w9cf at arrl.net] 
Sent: November 10, 2014 2:16 AM
To: Mike Wetzel
Cc: trlog at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Trlog] Cabrillo for OK/OM

I think the following is a work around:
1. Use a text editr to change the contest name in your LOGCFG.DAT file
to CQ WPX.
2. Generate the Cabrillo file with post.
3. Use a text editor to change the contest name in your Cabrillo file
to OK-OM-DX.
4. Check that the rest of the header is what you want.

73 Kevin w9cf

On Sun, Nov 09, 2014 at 11:05:50AM -0500, Mike Wetzel wrote:
> I just tried to submit a Cabrillo file for the OK/OM contest and it was
> refused.
> Is there any easy way to fix this?  First time I have run into this.   FQP
> is the only other rejection I have received.
> Log of W9RE was not processed due to following reason:
> The log is not in a valid Cabrillo format - too long QSO record row (line
> of the file).
> The template of acceptable QSO format can be found on the log upload page.
> http://okomdx.crk.cz/eval/index.php?str=import&id=16
> QSO: freq  mo date       time call          rst exch   call          rst
> exch
> QSO: ***** ** yyyy-mm-dd nnnn ************* nnn ****** ************* nnn
> ******
> 6789
> 7777
> Thanks,
> Mike W9RE
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