[Trlog] trlinux - raspberry pi

John Unger w4au at verizon.net
Sat Feb 11 11:12:52 EST 2017

Hi George and others -

I'm going to try getting trlinux running on my Raspberry Pi3. I assume 
that I will need a Pascal compiler and maybe some libraries too. Do you 
have links to the sources for what is required to create the executibles 
on the RP? Or, even better, a 32-bit binary version?

Thanks in advance.

John, W4AU

On 12/21/2015 12:35 PM, George Fremin III wrote:
> Hello,
> Yesterday I compiled trlinux on a Raspberry Pi.  It is something I
> waned to try for sometime.  It seems to work. Running the 'DEBUG'
> command where tr runs the simulator in test mode the program seems to
> be able to handle very high rates on this hardware.  This Pi is either
> an A or the first B version I do not recall which. I am thinking it is
> an A board.  In any event it does work.  Hooked up to my TV via the
> HDMI I am getting all of the trlinux beeps and CW side tone out of the
> TV speakers. In the simulator the CW side tone seems to have some
> issues now and then when the OS is off doing something else.
> I have not hooked it up to a radio or a winkey or yccc so2r box to see
> if it is really usable but based on what I see so far I think it
> would be very usable for contest logging.  Seems to be faster than the
> old 486 DOS box I was using until a few years ago.
> Here is a screenshot.
> https://goo.gl/photos/9qFJ8sq4pZYJzFwv5
> Big thank you to W9CF for helping with some issues with the code that
> was causing the compile to fail.

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