[Trlog] DVK with radio's voice keyer

Tree tree at kkn.net
Wed Dec 13 22:00:26 EST 2023

In order to send binary data to the radio - you will have to use a special
format for the memory command.

FE FE 94 E0 28 00 01 FD

Would be this:

CQ SSB MEMORY F1 = <03>SRS=<FE><FE><94><E0><28><00><01><FD><04>

The <03> is a control-C which indicates this is a command as opposed to
text of a CW message.  The <04> is a control-D which terminates the command.

SRS= means that what comes after the equals sign will be sent to the active
radio.  You can use SRSI if you want it to go to the inactive radio.
SRS1 for radio 1 and SRS2 for radio 2.


On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 1:42 PM James Pahoundis via Trlog <
trlog at contesting.com> wrote:

>  IC-7300.
>     On Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 03:38:20 PM CST, George Fremin III <
> geoiii at kkn.net> wrote:
>  What sort of radio?
> George Fremin III
> > On Dec 13, 2023, at 2:56 PM, James Pahoundis via Trlog <
> trlog at contesting.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,    I seen in the linux manual it says we can use the radio's
> internal voice keyer. So I was trying to get itto work. setting up the cmd
> string for the radio is FE FE 94 E0 28 00 01 FD would be for slot 1.That
> did not seem to work. What am I missing? would love to get this working!
> > Thanks for the help73 James.
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