[Trlog] Some news

Tree tree at kkn.net
Thu Mar 2 10:59:17 EST 2023

1. There is a new release of the Arduino code that is used with the SO2R
Mini.  This fixes a glitch on the PTT signal that greatly confused my radio
when using the footswitch on SSB.

However, hardly anyone is using it anyway.  Also, we are happy to welcome
N4OGW's so2sdr logging program to the list of contest logging software that
supports the SO2R Mini with the custom TR Log firmware.

2. I will be hosting a N1MM user for a two man multi-multi for WPX CW.
Since we figured out that UDP QSO format for N1MM (we had to emulate it so
we could interface to Qsorder and the WRTC software), we are now doing it
in reverse.  It is a simple menu item within N1MM to send QSO UDP packets
to a specific IP and port number.  Now, if you put N1MM_UDP_PORT = xxxx
into your config file, TR will listen to that UDP port and try to log any
QSOs that come across.  This is currently only supported for the major
contests that have significant multi-multi participation.  It's a bit of
work to figure out how to parse the data for more exchange formats.

Note that this mechanism likely can be used for a TR Log linux only
multi-multi - but that really was not the reason for doing this.  I assume
the original multi-multi functionality still works - but doubt anyone has
actually done it for a very long time.

There also used to be (and maybe still is) the functionality to make TR Log
sit in a K1EA CT network - but that probably hasn't been used by anyone for
20 years.  It was created so that N5RZ and I could use TR Log as part of a
multi-multi at HC8N where everyone else was using CT.

3. There have been many small improvements with the 2BSIQ interface - and
more still to come.  For each contest I use it in, I end up with a few
small enhancements.  However, judging by recent contest results - it seems
to be effective.

The latest code is always available in the tr2b fork.  Likely, K5TR will
package up the current software and do a release sometime soon.

If anyone wants to contribute to the continued support of TR log - my
paypal is my email address.  :-)

73 Tree N6TR

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