[Trlog] TRLog Linux Operation with HAL DXP38 Modem

Tree tree at kkn.net
Fri May 10 18:23:32 EDT 2024

Great detective work Wayne - I await further data.


On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 2:59 PM Wayne, W0ZW <w0zw at fastmail.com> wrote:

> Here the next step in my debug process for configuring TRLog Linux to work
> with my HAL DXP38 modem.
> I needed a way to monitor what commands are being sent to the DXP38 from
> the trlog application.  To do this I installed a program called
> "interceptty"  (see https://github.com/geoffmeyers/interceptty ).
>  interceptty acts as a "middleman" between the DXP38 serial port and
> TRLog.  It creates a pseudo port, which is what TRLog now connects to in
> order to talk to the DXP38 and for interceptty to capture the traffic
> between the two.  Pretty slick.
> Below is an initial capture of this serial communications between TRLog
> Linux and my DXP38.  The following text is the interceptty output to
> stdout.  I copied an excerpt of this data and pasted it below.  The
> left-most column is the traffic sent by TRLog to the DXP38.  The column to
> the right is data sent by the DXP38 to TRLog.  The comments bracketed by
> *** <  >*** are mine added afterwards to clarify what's happening.
> The sequence below shows a correct interaction when I started TRLog,
> switched to digital mode and pressed the F1 key to send a RTTY CQ.  I
> truncated some of the random receive characters at the beginning and at the
> end for brevity:
> >           0x4a (J)    *** Random RX characters from DXP38 ***
> >           0x41 (A)
> >           0x3a (:)
> >           0x22 (")
> >           0x24 ($)
> >           0x33 (3)
> >           0x34 (4)
> >           0x24 ($)
> < 0x80 (�)          *** 0x808E (RTTY SEND STRING) is command to DXP38 to
> begin RTTY TX ***
> < 0x8e (�)
> < 0x43 (C)          *** Beginning of TRLog F1 CQ message text to DXP38 ***
> < 0x51 (Q)
> < 0x20 ( )
> < 0x54 (T)
> >           0x80 (�)    *** DXP38 sends ack of 0x80 0x8E RTTY TX command
> ***
> < 0x45 (E)
> >           0x8e (�)
> < 0x53 (S)
> < 0x54 (T)
> < 0x20 ( )
> < 0x57 (W)
> < 0x30 (0)
> < 0x5a (Z)
> < 0x57 (W)
> < 0x20 ( )
> < 0x57 (W)
> < 0x30 (0)
> < 0x5a (Z)
> < 0x57 (W)
> < 0x20 ( )
> < 0x54 (T)
> < 0x45 (E)
> < 0x53 (S)
> < 0x54 (T)
> < 0x20 ( )
> < 0x0d ([CR])
> < 0x80 (�)          *** Half of 0x800E (RTTY RECEIVE STRING) TRLog cmd to
> DXP38 to switch to RX  ***
> >           0x33 (3)
> >           0x80 (�)    *** Status fm DXP38 0x807A 0x8006 (indicates
> switch to FSK TX mode) ***
> >           0x7a (z)
> >           0x80 (�)
> >           0x06 ([ACK])
> >           0x80 (�)    *** 0x8031 status fm DXP38 indicates echo of TX
> chars to follow ***
> >           0x31 (1)
> < 0x0e ([SO])       *** 2nd half of 0x800E cmd to DXP38 to go to RX ***
> >           0x43 (C)    *** Continuation of echoed TX characters (F1 CQ
> msg) ***
> >           0x51 (Q)
> >           0x20 ( )
> >           0x54 (T)
> >           0x45 (E)
> >           0x53 (S)
> >           0x54 (T)
> >           0x20 ( )
> >           0x57 (W)
> >           0x30 (0)
> >           0x5a (Z)
> >           0x57 (W)
> >           0x20 ( )
> >           0x57 (W)
> >           0x30 (0)
> >           0x5a (Z)
> >           0x57 (W)
> >           0x20 ( )
> >           0x54 (T)
> >           0x45 (E)
> >           0x53 (S)
> >           0x54 (T)
> >           0x20 ( )
> >           0x0d ([CR])
> >           0x80 (�)
> >           0x30 (0)
> >           0x80 (�)
> >           0x0e ([SO])
> >           0x80 (�)        *** 0x8030 status fm DXP38 indicates RX chars
> to follow ***
> >           0x30 (0)
> >           0x80 (�)        *** Status fm DXP38 0x807A 0x8007 (indicates
> switch to FSK RX mode)
> >           0x7a (z)
> >           0x80 (�)
> >           0x07 ([BEL])
> >           0x80 (�)        *** 0x8030 status fm DXP38 indicates RX chars
> follow ***
> >           0x30 (0)
> >           0x43 (C)        *** Random RX chars from DXP38 ***
> >           0x48 (H)
> >           0x54 (T)
> >           0x0d ([CR])
> >           0x49 (I)
> >           0x56 (V)
> >           0x5a (Z)
> The information above shows a correct data exchange between TRLog and my
> DXP38 modem.  It appears to show the correct use of the TRLog RTTY SEND
> STRING and RTTY RECEIVE STRING.  I have found that the first attempt
> generally works.  It is subsequent interactions involving F10, the Escape
> key and also S&P mode are when TRLog seems to get confused.
> My next step is to configure interceptty to write the captured traffic to
> a file and then run TRLog and cause it to fail.  Hopefully I can find in
> the captured serial data an explanation for the failures that I have been
> seeing.
> 73,
> Wayne, W0ZW
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