Wayne, W0ZW w0zw at fastmail.com
Mon May 27 22:31:49 EDT 2024

This past weekend I used TR Log (Linux) to log my entry in the CQWW WPX CW contest.  Overall I found TR Log quite fun to use and discovered I could concentrate on operating the contest instead of on the logging software.  

However, when it came time to create a Cabrillo log there were many discrepancies found between the LOG.DAT and LONGLOG.DAT files.  These had to be resolved before Post would create the Cabrillo file.  In my case the discrepancies seemed to be mostly from having made edits to the received SNs by using Alt-E during the contest.  The SN would be one value in LONGLOG.DAT and another value in LOG.DAT.  Other edits were the occasional call sign or prefix difference.

Why would there be differences between these two files?  Shouldn't edits made during the contest be consistent across the underlying files?  What did I do wrong or am not understanding?

Wayne, W0ZW

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