[UK-CONTEST] IOTA G0MTN SO12Mixed LP Unassisted

Lee Volante lee at g0mtn.freeserve.co.uk
Thu Dec 31 19:39:21 EST 1987

Hi all,

Station: G0MTN
Class: SO12Mixed LP Unassisted Island (home station)
QTH: Birmingham
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  CW Qs  CW Mults  Ph Qs  Ph Mults
    80:   34      19       30       21
    40:   55      13       28       15
    20:  103      15      309       53
    15:   77      10       93       31
    10:   19       9       25       13
 Total:  288      66      382      133  Total Score = 942,066


 Rock and Roll !  Another great IOTA contest.  Also the first test of new
C3SS yagi from home and I was pleased with the result - highest ever score
for me - 670 Q / 199 M / 942k pts.

 With this contest I feel that you're likely to pick up fewer mults by
running than in other contests, especially as the multi-op's will run on the
more productive bands, and only drop into the lesser ones (e.g. 40m phone!)
to grab mults.   So stopping specifically to hunt mults is a must.
However, I still feel very disappointed by my mult score considering if
there were about 200 IOTAs active.   Still, I had a lower QSO total then
previously, but made up for it with a bigger mult score - so I think I'm
heading in the right direction.

 I split my time between running EU where I could (i.e. 20m / 15m CW mainly,
sometimes phone if I was lucky) and then forcing myself to do slow trawls of
each band / mode slot to get mults.  And with mixed mode there are plenty of
combinations to choose from. :-)   SO2R I'm sure would be a huge benefit -
I'll hopefully get this sorted out soon.

 I never really made any impact into AS or OC, but nice to see good support
from NA and SA.

 I operated the first 5 hours, then an hour around 1900 local, then 2 hours
from about 2130, leaving just under 3 hours left from 0800.   Hopefully I
didn't miss anything exciting in the off-time.

The only grumble I have is the same as last year:  Stations running a pileup
who do not give their call time after time - I've not got time to listen to
these pileups just waiting for a callsign !

Followed the contest with a relaxing afternoon in the fresh air with a BBQ -
a nice post-IOTA celebration :-)

Stuff:   TS850. 100w. C3SS @ 9m.  Windom @ 8m.   Logged with SDI.



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