Clive Whelan clive at gw3njw.fsworld.co.uk
Sun Apr 7 19:38:58 EDT 2002

A veritable disaster here.

New antenna, well the old 132 ft at 27 ft max. with "pigtails" to 215 
ft, for 160.

MFJ analyser measures zero ohms at the 4:1 balun/coax join. Well say 2 
ohms and raw SWR 25:1; about right. Massive currents in ATU which got as 
hot as the amp! ERP probably about 25 watts after IsquaredR losses in 
the coax as well.

Writelog decided to work to rule and not self complete the logged call, 
which meant getting the whole call in at once or resorting to the 
paddle, just like the old days!

Now all I need is that miserable b$£%^$! of an adjudicator to throw the 
UBN book at me; you know what he's like?

Oh did I mention 57 net QSOs.

 Nigel Cawthorne wrote:
> It'd be interesting to know (in the write-up) what was the
> total
> number of stations who gave at least one QSO (and hence one Postcode).

Do tell the adjudicator what you'd like to see in the write up, 'cos he 
hasn't got a clue really.


gw3njw at gw7x.org
Contest Cambria-http://www.gw7x.org

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